2. I'm staying positive, though.
3. Pearl is climbing on everything now and seems to not have inherited my fear of heights.
4. Our dishwasher had been making horrible death rattles for over 3 months and it finally succumbed to the end two days ago. We did buy a new dishwasher and it is so much quieter, but it doesn't have the locking feature like the last and Pearl figured how to open it in 20 min. Definitely has her papa's engineering mind.
5. We are having our realtor and his wife over for lunch this Sunday. Great friends of ours who happened to go to Rome for their honeymoon over the Christmas Holidays. I can't wait to see pictures:) We'll also be talking about plans and hopes for us to purchase a home this spring/summer. Please pray for us in this endeavor!
6. While watching coverage of the March for Life I was able to see two good friends on TV:) Sr. Giovanna Mariae and Sr. Bethany Madonna with the Sisters of Life. Too cool! I was looking for our local college group, but wasn't able to see them however. Looking forward to hearing from them their impressions. I attended the March when I worked in D.C. several years ago, but DH has never been to one. We hope to go as a family in the near future.
7. I am in desperate need of vacuuming...again! Everyday this week; seems that the crumb fairies have been visiting us during the night.
1 comment:
I know what you mean about the vacuuming!! I do it in the morning and by the time chris comes home I always feel slightly ashamed as it looks all crumb-y like I havent done anything!!
hope the optivite works out!
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