How different that was for me growing up.
My mother is an admirable lady: Navy retired, trauma nurse, hospice nurse, etc. One of the toughest and also tenderest hearts I've every come across.
With that said, teaching my sister and me about domestic care wasn't on the agenda. We excelled academically and engaged in sports, but never learned how to truly care for our home.
So when I got married, I realized that life was going to be a bit different for us. We don't hire a housekeeper or go out for dinner frequently, nor we do buy new things as soon as old things break.
We are blessed that DH has an engineering bent and loves to tinker with things. He is excellent with car maintenance and fixing things around the house.
While recognizing my lack of training in home economics, I began to seek other women out that I could feel comfortable asking questions of how they run their households. I also looked online for resources: book reviews, helpful websites, tips and tools.
It can be frustrating at times that I'm learning as I go, but really, who isn't?
While I can feel overwhelmed and inadequate, I'm finding more comrades in arms along this journey. Other women who are learning as well who offer support and encouragement.
I ask myself why this is so important to me? It all comes down to love and love languages. I want to create a warm and welcoming environment for our family. Since DH works from home and Pearl and I are home with him, I want our home to be a place that nourishes us and inspires us. Granted that doesn't mean it needs to or will look like a magazine cover, but clutter free is the goal.
DH and I can communicate our expectations for our home and work together to make that happen. I find that when we put that effort in it allows us to really enjoy our family time.
I also want to teach our children (god-willing we're blessed with more) how to keep a home running smoothly. Regardless of their later circumstances, I want them to be competent in caring for themselves and able to serve others.
There is much joy and peace in a well-maintained home environment.
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