I am listening to... cars on the road. Rush hour is beginning.
To Live the Liturgy...Mass on Wednesday and celebrating the Annunciation!
To be Fit and Happy...Perhaps, some walks, workout videos, and I'm gearing up the courage to attempt the elliptical machine DH is enamored with at our Clubhouse.
I am thankful for...a visit by my mom this past weekend. Definitely needed an interim visit, but also looking forward to seeing her next month at my sister's graduation.
From the kitchen ... Not much left in the grocery budget for the month which coincides with simple meals as we hit the last leg of Lent. Simple pastas, sandwiches, soups, and bean taco's look to be on the menu this week and next.
I am wearing...Cleaning clothes today. We have a lot of chores to get into.
I am creating ...I was creating clean spaces, but the water leak slightly derailed that. Now I'm waiting till the drywall can be repaired and then we get back on track.
Though this is still the case, I plan to forge ahead and host our annual Easter Luncheon for a few friends, including Pearl's godfather on break from the Seminary.
So we're creating menu plans and lovely decorations.
I am reading... Right now, filling up the library bag with books that need to be returned. Garden books from me and an assortment from Pearl. We checked way too many out for the week. However, I did come across a few gems at the Library! I've read some great reviews from other mamas on these and we wholeheartedly concur:)

The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith

The Little Rose of Sharon by Nan Gurley.
I am hoping for...that things move along well in our house hunting process. We saw several this weekend that could work for our family. We are going to take the process forward with one of those by getting some more information from the listing agent, scheduling a second viewing, and contacting our bank and starting the process of pre-approval.
On Keeping Home...Lot's of Holy Week and Easter preparation going on at our house. I need to find a better hiding spot for Pearl's Easter basket. I'm trying to ready it, but she keeps coming across it and asking to get into it.
Lots more cleaning chores to finish up, pulling out special Easter dishes, pick which services we are going to attend, and get the Men's group what they need for Holy Week.
One of my favorite things ... Finishing a rosary before falling asleep.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Lots of phone calls to make regarding recent water leak and current house hunting process, celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation, Wednesday Mass with the Parish, Lenten House Chores, possible playdate, Library Book Exchange and Storytime.
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