I am listening to... LarkRise to Candleford before I pop it back in the mail today.
To Live the Liturgy...We enter into the High Holy Days this week. Plans include attending services for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Blessing of the Easter Foods, and Easter Sunday Mass. I would love to take Pearl to our Diocesan Chrism Mass, but it's a good hour drive there and a 2 hour Mass. A little too much at this time for us, but we'll be praying in Thanksgiving for our wonderful Priests and their service to our Church.
To be Fit and Happy...Perhaps some walks, but mostly the last parts of Spring Cleaning.
I am thankful for...a good weekend full of some sweet Daddy-Daughter time while I attended a meeting.
From the kitchen ... Lots of creative use of leftovers. Today's lunch is either leftover chili over rice or Chicken Salad Sandwiches made from last night's roast chicken dinner. Tonight will feature chicken and bean taco's to use up the last of the chicken and some pinto beans. Throughout the week will see grilled cheese sandwiches, lots of beans and rice, and simple pastas as we move into the High Holy Days.
I am wearing...Cleaning clothes today. Denim capri's, pink button down shirt, and comfortable mocassins. Since it's a rainy day today and we have a full morning out planned for tomorrow, taking advantage and trying to finish a lot of Spring Cleaning Chores.
I am creating ...Easter Baskets. Pearl's basket for Easter Sunday, our basket to take to the Easter Food Blessing on Holy Saturday, and a small basket of goodies for our Pastors.
I am reading... Please Don't Drink the Holy Water by Susie Lloyd. Very entertaining. Will be switching to some passages on the Passion on Wednesday.
I am hoping for...that we hear back this week from the Insurance Company regarding our water leak. We had the drywall repaired, but our floors are in dire need of some renovation.
On Keeping Home...Finishing the last of the Lenten Cleaning, finding a good hiding spot for Pearl's Easter Basket, laying out dishes for Easter Luncheon, and big grocery trip this week to get Easter goodies.
One of my favorite things ... My Christmas Present from my in-laws. These meditations are seriously rocking my world! Definitely worth starting a collection.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Finishing Lenten Cleaning, Library Storytime, Park playdate with other moms from our Parish, Services for the High Holy Days on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday (we won't be attending the vigil this year), having friends over for our 4th annual Easter Luncheon.
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