2. Pearl has black and blue marks all over her face. She is in a fearless toddler phase (does that ever end?). Running at the pool (not listening) she flipped head over heels and got a nice rash on her forehead. Yesterday she was playing in the kitchen while I put a pan in the oven. Heard a big thump and looked over. She slipped by the pantry and hit the corner of the wall. So another mark right down the side of her left cheek:( I'm planning on purchasing some bubble wrap.
3. Water Leak/Insurance Update: We got a message from the Insurance Company that they have put a check in the mail to cover the damages and replace the flooring. We are DEFINITELY looking forward to receiving that and getting to work. This weekend while we are at the Home Improvement stores we are going to compare the cost of Tile. Hurray!
4. I downloaded some songs from itunes this week. This was a huge accomplishment for me since I got an ipod as a Christmas present and I'm still figuring it out. I had received some itunes gift cards, and the first song I downloaded was our song: "How Do I Love Her" by Steven Curtis Chapman. The one we danced to at our wedding. Love it! (Lyrics & Listen)
5. I planned out my menu for the upcoming week (Thurs-Wed, since I shop on Thursdays)
Thursday: Pasta Marinara with Sauteed Zucchini
Friday: Baked Macaroni and Cheese with Green Beans, Salad and Fruit
Saturday: BBQ Chicken Legs, Homefries, and Mixed Veggies
Sunday: Swiss Steak over Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad and Biscuits
Monday: Roast Chicken Legs with Rice and Peas Medley, Salad and Rolls
Tuesday: Pasta Alfredo with Zucchini and Ham
Wednesday: Chicken Taco's with Rice and Pinto Beans
6. Today started a little rainy, so the perfect time to get my cleaning chores out of the way. The only thing left on the list is to mop the bathroom floors.
7. I'm looking into Costco since I've heard good things from a few friends... Mainly regarding the meat quality and price. We have a membership at another wholesale club, but I haven't been thrilled with their meat. I've heard you can try out Costco for a month for free. Hopefully that's the case with no strings attached:)
8. We went swimming earlier this week. Unfortunately Pearl has broken out in a pretty bad rash that closely resembles her previous ezcema rashes. Wonder if her "allergies" were just a reaction to Chlorine all along. Time to do more research.
9. I've been looking at cloth diapers again since our Bum Genius 3.0 All in Ones aren't holding up the way I expected they would. Must say that my eye was caught by these fluffies. However the price causes my heart to jump. I think we'll try and hold out with what we have and if we are blessed with another babe, we'll look at updating our stock to weed out the ones that are falling apart.
Have a great weekend!
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