Friday, September 21, 2007

Marian Sweetness

Well, I'm through my first week at the new job. Praise God for his Goodness. This week went by very well. There is a lot to learn as I go along, but so far so good. I just pray that He continues to guide our steps.

A nice surprise is that I've had the opportunity to go to Eucharistic Adoration 3 times this week!! We have our scheduled Holy Hour on Monday nights. On thurs. evening our Campus Ministry hosted an hour of adoration at their center. Then when we got home, I had an email asking if we could sub for an hour today (Friday). Sweet!

So this evening, the DH and I headed back north to the parish 30 minutes from here which offers adoration to cover that hour. We were pleasantly surprised when the couple we have our Monday hour with showed up unexpectedly:)

I have been "chewing" on one book for awhile now and I am almost completed (sad to say since it is so good). Here is my latest nugget of Marian Sweetness. Note: This spoke to my heart in particular with our infertility. Leave your own reflections in the comment box, if desired.

The Mother and Prayer

"When she met the angel while in contemplation, her Son's life was already in her; her prayer itself was, so to speak, the first bearer, the spiritual womb of the Word of the Father in her, even before her body's womb carried the Incarnate One. Her spirit is so completely possessed and fructified by God that this fruitfulness extends even to her body, and her womb is allotted the duty of bearing the physical Son..."

Handmaid of the Lord
by Adrienne Von Speyr

1 comment:

JRH said...

that is heavy with awesomeness!