Monday, October 1, 2007

Catching up with Sr. Liz

It was so good to meet up with Sr. Liz (as she is called until becoming a novice...which is set to be in two months, at which time,she will receive her new name). We met her and her family while they were in town for a family wedding. They were gracious to share her with us for a few hours. We correspond regularly through snail mail, but it's nice to just sit and visit.

She regaled us with stories of the community's daily life which includes frequent evening walks within their Texas desert property. During these walks, there are often "2 sister kills." This refers to the plentiful rattlesnakes that abound on their property. Sr. Liz noted that they do this with shovels...yup, no rifles, but honest to goodness shovels. She said she hasn't quite gotten used to this. Her favorite walking buddy happens to be the best rattlesnake killer---a diminutive filipino sister.

Sr. Liz continues her family visit in South Florida through Tuesday, then will head back to Texas to join her community. This family visit is encouraged before the sister enters the novitiate, in which she will enter into two years of solitude and limited contact with family and friends. After that time, her visits and mail will pick back up once temporary vows are taken.

This visit was definitely appreciated and considered a blessing. Many prayers for Sr. Liz in the next few months, especially, as she continues to discern her vocation.

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