Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Last night, I came to recognize my need for space, time, and prayer when dealing with our infertility.

Needing space from others who make insensitive comments about children, families without children, and assuming they contracept.

Needing time to process another's pregnancy who conceived within a month of marriage.

Needing prayer to give over my feelings of grief, barrenness, sterility, and impatience.

Lord, you alone are my desire, my lover, He who satisfies all my hearts longings. Help me to see You in every moment of my day, Draw me closer to Your Sacred Heart.


Anonymous said...

You are an example to us all in patient endurance..God bless you..

antonia said...


The wait is not easy; I know.

God Bless you


Laura The Crazy Mama said...

Praying for you.