Friday, July 18, 2008

Back from Vacation

We got back home last night from our week long vacation with DH's family. It was a nice week, but glad to be home and able to rest in my own house and sleep in my own bed. I am feeling more and more introspective. I don't want to spend too much time with others. Want to be home "resting and nesting."

We had a doctor's appt. yesterday. Little one has dipped farther down into the pelvis but is not engaged as of yet. I have been having more contractions lately, so we're just standing by. I feel like my sit bones have opened more and I get these sharp internal twinges. Not sure what's going on there. But have a feeling that this is all part of it as things begin to pick up.

This morning I'm writing a list of the things that I need help with and last minute purchases to make. Hopefully, we can get a trip in to the grocery store to get some staples and a few other items. I don't think we're that close, but really what do I know? This is the first one!

Your prayers are much appreciated, my friends.


Lucy said...

You never really know when she will come. I had no real feeling and then boom my water broke and Greta was here some 17 hours later. That was almost two weeks before her due date. I was assuming I would go overdue. Obviously I was totally wrong. Will be thinking about you, can't wait to here of the little girl's safe arrival.

JRH said...

I'm praying for you! I know this time of waiting is SO HARD because it could be any day, for the next month! :)
We will all be praying for you and waiting anxiously to hear how things are progressing... keep us posted!

antonia said...

I will pray for a safe, peaceful labour & delivery


FloridaWife said...

You are getting so close!!!!!!