Pearl screamed the entire time...
She must be hitting a growth spurt, as she has been eating non-spot for three days. I'm sure people thought I hadn't fed my child and were wondering why I didn't feed her before the Mass. Well, I surely did. I nursed her for 45 minutes at home till she fell asleep, and then nursed her in the vestry before Mass. Yet, she still fussed. As soon as we were able to sit, I set her up and nursed during the readings, gospel and homily. Our parish does the baptisms after the homily, so I stopped just before and the wailing began again. She screamed through her entire baptism. It was one of those moments where you couldn't do anything except stand there, smile and think, "Yes, this is my child..." After her baptism and Mass resumed, I sat and nursed her the rest of Mass till she fell asleep. But then when Mass was over and I had to stand up for us to go, she woke and started yelling again.
We got through pictures and then headed home for a party. I sent everyone to set up and just had to sit with her by myself and nurse her in quiet. When we did walk over to the picnic, she started to fuss. Thankfully she wore herself out and conked out. it wasn't as I had hoped it would be, but you know it's over and she's baptized and that's AWESOME!

(We had a joint party with friends whose son was baptized at the same Mass)
Her godfather was able to come from seminary to be present with us. He was so excited and it was a real joy for him to be there. We had some family leave right after and some stay through this morning. We're on our own again, so now my plan is to get a good nap with Pearl and put the house back in order.

:D Welcome to the Fam, Maggie!
Many congratulations!
don't feel bad about the screaming.. both my kids screamed all through the baptism (although the holy water pouring on their heads stunned them into silence for a minute).
Thanks for sharing the special day with us! The pictures are great :)
I can't wait to see you in a few weeks! :)
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