It was a very busy weekend with the in-laws visiting, a party for a friend's upcoming wedding, and a one-day retreat I was able to attend on Saturday.
If you have never been to a Women of Grace conference or seminar, I highly recommend it! Pearl had a great time meeting the ladies and being held and loved on. She was so good and it enabled me to really enter into the talks. There has definitely been a stirring in my heart lately...a call to enter deeper into the mysteries of God's love and this retreat was just what I needed to give me that "kick in the pants" the Lord
Within this busy-ness of caring for a little one, I know He is there and drawing me closer to himself. It's just in ways that I hadn't seen or understood before. This is very new...I don't know how I feel about new, but I'm going along with it (trying to anyways). I tend to dig my heels in and drag my feet until I see the Lord say the same thing over and over. Then apparently it sinks in and I respond.
Lord, change my heart...give me the spirit of courage, of zeal, of willingness to conform my heart to yours.

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