In our 2 plus years of marriage, DH and I share all our budget concerns, questions and decisions. We talk about all our purchases and make decisions together. So in the past 2 years, we set a Christmas budget of whom we will purchase gifts for, how much we will spend per person and whom we will make a baked good for (generally non-family members).
This year, the budget looks to be especially tight since I have come home to be with Pearl and DH is in his final year of graduate school.
I'm looking to make a signature baked good to give to friends: probably this one.
As for family members who will receive a gift, I've been brainstorming. I'm thinking about working with an online photo site to creat calendars for our parents of baby Pearl (As grandparents, I don't think this one will fail:) The good thing is you can get a discount when you purchase more than one calendar.
But do you have ideas of frugal Christmas presents? Gifts you've given in the past or hope to do in the future?

Oooh, all I have to say about the chocolate chip pumpkin bread is "yum." I gave some extremely frugal Christmas presents in the years I was in school. I made flavored olive oil in a pretty bottle once (I even looked the recipe up in a bookstore--pre-Internet). I also bought everyone a cool book from a used bookstore one year. And when I was a kid, we always made gifts for the family--usually Christmas ornaments, but one year we made coasters (Dad cut dowel rods into slices and we glued them together--those were pretty cool) and another year we made nativity sets (with plaster-of-Paris molds).
I buy gifts throughout the year to save money. I shop mostly online and found a great site called SOrt Floor Books that has hardcover books, coffee table books, etc for $2 and under. This will be tight for my kids this year so I stocked up on books so it will look like a lot but I saved and was thrifty. I also make totes for the women in the family on my sewing machine. I make homemade biscotti for friends at church and school. I have some great online recipes if you would like some.
Great post!
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