Monday, November 17, 2008

Long time coming

Over the weekend we headed to the coast to participate in and attend the wedding of two dear friends. I went to college with the groom and met the bride during my year of volunteer service in Florida. I am humbled that I got to play a small part in how thet met. It was like worlds colliding this weekend when college friends got to meet some friends from here as well as missionaries from FOCUS being present. The groom spent three years with the organization along with mi sister-in-law. We do live in a small Catholic world!

I was most pleased to see my friend Jen!! It has been 3 years since we last had an in person visit---actually at another Florida wedding. It was such a joy to catch up and spend time together. Hopefully our next visit won't take so long.

On the agenda for this week: Catch up on the laundry from the weekend and make Thanksgiving preparations.

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