Monday, July 6, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window ...another hot one with the promise of afternoon showers.

I am listening to...DH on a conference call.


To Live the Liturgy...Celebrate the Feast of St. Benedict this week.


To be Fit and Happy...More walks and swim time as dictated by summer weather constraints.


I am thankful for...many things on my thankful radar today. Good weekend visiting with DH's parents, good seminar night, reflection time as of late, Pearl getting some much needed sleep, me getting some much needed sleep:)


From the kitchen ...smorgasborg of leftovers from holiday weekend to finish up. Rounded out by Pinto Bean Soup and some summer salads.


I am wearing ...Pink button down with the sleeves rolled up, navy blue skirt.


I am creating areas for Pearl to play. She has been getting lots of bumps and bruises as of late. So I'm laying on the floor on my tummy to see what the rooms look like through her eyes. What is in reach and dangerous?


I am reading...Graced and Gifted by Kimberly Hahn.


I am hoping for...continued progress of the summer projects. Drywall finished by the dishwasher and cabinet locks installed. This weekend we hope to attain a better shelving system to put the vast library up and shelved out of Pearl's reach.


On Keeping Home ... See above for reading selection.


One of my favorite things ...brightly colored sofa pillows.


A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Appt. on thursday morning to review a product, a friend's wedding on Friday and some sweet family time of the weekend.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love Grace and Gifted! :D