Monday, July 26, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window ... is a whole lotta HOT. We're past the 100s in heat index these days.


I am listening to...DH on a conference call.


To Live the Liturgy...We'll be headed to Mass this Wednesday and bringing goodies for fellowship afterwards; we're also praying some special prayers this week: for our friends who will be celebrating their Nuptial Mass this Saturday, consecration prayers as we renew our consecrations this August, and continued prayers for some special intentions.


To be Fit and Happy...Walking has not been fun lately with the heat; so I'm hoping to utilize the elliptical and pool, along with some workouts at home.


I am thankful for...coming home. There is a lot of traveling planned for this summer, and I love those trips, but coming home is a special blessing.


From the kitchen ...oodles of fresh tomatoes right off the vine. We've had one red pepper and several more on the way. Hurray for gardening! Still need some new ideas to use up my basil.


I am tank, navy capri's.


I am creating ...exercise plans for me and some jazzed up play areas for Pearl.


I am reading... Play to Talk by Dr. MacDonald. We're working with Pearl to enunciate her words better.


I am pondering...what the Lord wants us to do with house hunting.


I am hoping for...wisdom and prudence as we continue our house hunt.


On Keeping Home... Seeing the need for better organization and more de-cluttering/purging.


One of my favorite things ...IBC root beer.


A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Library Storytime, Mass, a few errands, lots of home time to re-group for a busy week next week, attend friends' Nuptial Mass and Reception, welcome DH's parents on Sunday.


A Picture Thought I'm Sharing:
Pearl trying on "toe-socks"


Lucy said...

you can make pesto and freeze it for the winter with all your basil!

Kim said...

Play to Talk has been the key in getting Elise more vocal, as far as I'm concerned. It really is a great book - I hope it helps you with Pearl!

Unknown said...

Yay for so many reasons to smile!!!!

Congratulations to your cousin and prayers for a lovely marriage! Thinking of your upcoming anniversary and remembering how special it was to celebrate with you!!!! Ah, to witness a friend's joy and see a promise unfold!

Ways to use basil...

Crepe with chicken/spinach/mushroom/cream/ and *basil* -- topped with cheese.

Here's a possibility for a side dish with basil. I actually came up with as an attempt to incorporate walnuts (high omega 3) and kale (lots of calcium and other good stuff). It is a saute of kale/walnut/garlic/onion/and *basil*
It is a big hit at our house and hubby asks for all the time.

You could also prepare salmon with a lemon/garlic/*basil* combo or use the marinade for chicken.

Halibut would probably be pretty good with a lemon-*basil* vinaigrette.

I'm thinking basil would be pretty good with coconut. You could do a fish curry with coconut and *basil*.

For some reason as I am writing this I am craving strawberries and basil and thinking that that combo would just be delightful. Perhaps a spinach salad with almonds/strawberries/*basil* or drop the almonds and add a feta. Balsamic or equivalent would likely go well.

I'm just following instinct here and guessing you could come up with something that is a strawberry/cream/basil combo either as a cool soup, ice cream or milkshake.

If you like butter, you could probably infuse the *basil* flavor into the butter and mix it with veggies.

Tomato *basil* soup. (I add, however, a note of caution about serving tomatoes and other nightshades to anyone with autoimmune issues)

When I have purchased fresh basil in the past and have been unable to use it all, I simply freeze the whole leaf and have had success reusing it. When it comes out of the freezer you can crush it right into the pot.