Saturday, September 4, 2010

A little fuzzy

That's out how I've felt this week. We decided it was time to put Pearl's crib away since she could climb out of it (Danger, Will Robinson!).

So we broke down the twin bed and put a guard rail on the trundle part. It's close to the ground, she can climb in and out, and absolutely loves it.

She hasn't been sleeping as long though, so I haven't been able to get my morning prayer time in and I feel like I've been on edge all week. Grrr! Definitely been super snappy to Pearl and DH. So I'm trying to figure out how to remedy that.

On a positive note, both DH and I have been doing well with keeping our exercise rhythms going. It's taking me longer to get my heart rate up and I'm not as winded after using the elliptical. I do want to add in some weight work...slowly.

AND, I need to get better with some food choices. I'm trying to weed some things out of our fridge so they won't tempt me.

Because it's one thing to be adding in the exercise, but it's another to sabotage that work by making poor food choices.

I really enjoy having the work out room in our apartment complex. It's normally pretty quiet and not much used, but there have been some new faces recently.

Other items on my agenda:

1)figure out how to get my prayer time back in (personal prayer and family prayer).

2)plan some special date nights with DH (we're looking at family visits each month and taking time each visit for grandparents to watch Pearl while we have some quality time. H/T to Kim for some inspiration)

3)get some ideas for Pearl activities this Fall. (We've got the preschool group for church pretty well planned out for the Fall, but I need to make a list of fun things for Pearl and I to do at home)

4)come up with a better weekly rhythm to cut down on excess driving throughout the week. (plan my trips better)

5) researching some natural food choices in our area (organic, grass-fed, etc.)

6) continue with re-structuring some living spaces.

Whew! What a week:)

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