Thursday, January 26, 2012

Checking In

This is a season of busyness.  I feel as if all is a blur right now: caring for an infant and a pre-schooler.  There is always much to be done and many things tug on my heart (or my skirt).  I have limited down time to really sit and think, reflect, ponder, and remember.

My introvertedness self is craving some time to really de-compress and rejuvenate from the wearyness of constant "go."

Part of me wants to let go of some committments and retreat to my nest, to enjoy time at home and play in it now that we are on this property.  But I know that the relationships that I do have in these various committments are important and need to be nurtured.  My girls, well definitely Pearl thus far, needs that social bit.  She craves that more than I do:)  So we will stay involved in a select group of activities.

I'm hoping that I will emerge from this "survivor" stage of life with an infant that my energy will re-charge and I'll get that nourishment that I so desire right now.

In the meantime, I'll take my 5 minutes of prayer where I can get them!!

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