My water broke at 8:30PM on Saturday so we headed to the hospital got checked in at 2-3 cm and 60% effaced. Not happy to have to get there so early but the membranes were ruptured so had to stay.
Labor was 25 hours! We labored all day Sunday (her due date) and progression was slow due to her being posterior and an unforeseen issue of extra skin in the canal which was preventing her from coming down. Transition (7-10cm) lasted from 1pm till 9PM. That was crazy! By 8PM I was exhausted but my DH and friend with me were amazing and kept me focused. I didn't get any pain relief and that was truly the grace of God and all your prayers. We had to get a little pitocin at 9pm to get that last cm, but was ready to push within 30 min. 45 min of pushing and little Pearl (not her real name) arrived safe and sound at 7 ib. 10 oz. and 20 1/2 in. long at 9:36PM on August 10th. She was a trooper. Even with the length of the labor her heartrate was awesome and tolerated everything well.
We got home last night and I wanted to let y'all know since it has been awhile since I had written. Pearl wants to nurse constantly which is great! but I do need to make sure our lactation consultant comes over and helps with our latch.
I'll post pictures later today

What a beautiful little girl!
You're so tough, Nicole!! What a labor! Glad you're home and that all seems to be going well. We'll call you in a few weeks to get the full scoop, if you're up for divulging, that is. ;) Looking forward to seeing more lovely pictures when you post them!!!
Much love and many many prayers,
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby. What a blessing!
oh wow thanks for sharing the birth story!! You did great Nicole!
As I said on facebook, I am so happy for you guys! God is so good!
God Bless
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