Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY - November 11, 2008

Outside my Window…Another sunny, but too warm, fall day.

I am thinking…about why I always have to go to the Bank and Post Office on days when their closed.

I am thankful for…coffee. Just that smell...so good.

From the kitchen…Monday's Baking Day is finished. Products: 2 loaves of sandwich bread, 1 large and 2 small zucchini loaves, 2 batches of blueberry muffins. Half is in the freezer for next week.

I am creating…a daily rhythm. It is so nice to have a semblance of order again. I definitely do better with a game plan.

I am going…to clean the bathrooms when I finish this. Pearl is napping so it's my go-time.

I am wearing…jeans, grey nursing tank, red tee, and sneakers.

I am reading…Actually in between books. I need to drop off a few and pick up some more tomorrow from the Library.

I am hoping…to get errands done in a timely manner this week.

I am hearing…the washer and Pearl's swing.

Around the house…still smells like baking goodness, a pile of bills to be filed away, diapers being washed, and other laundry to be put away.

One of my favorite things…new babies! Congrats to Chris and Antonia on the birth of Joseph Benedict!! After such a high-risk pregnancy, it is with great joy that Joey arrived safe and sound. The family is doing great. Antonia's blog is inaccessbile unless she has your email, so no link. Suffice to say, Joey is such a handsome little man!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week…getting things ready for a friend's wedding this weekend. I have only two outfits appropriate that fit right now, so at least that makes the decision easier:)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you

See below. I LOVE this picture of my mama with Pearl. We were watching College Football Saturday afternoon (my mom is a big fan of a certain Florida team) and Pearl was all smiles.

1 comment:

antonia said...

aw!! you are so sweet!

:) thank you
