Monday, December 29, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook: Tuesday Edition

FOR TODAY Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

Outside my window... Bright and sunny.

I am thinking...of starting a household management binder.

I am thankful for...friends who just came to visit us.

From the kitchen...Bagels and Banana Bread for breakfast; Soup and Sandwiches for lunch; Something with potatoes and cabbage for dinner.

I am wearing...Parish tee-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

I am creating...mental notes.

I am write down these mental notes so I remember them.

I am reading...The Fussy Baby Book by Dr. Sears.

I am see a few teacher friends this week before they resume classes.

I am hearing...The dryer drying stuff.

Around the house...laundry to catch up on, Advent stuff to put away, chores to complete, bookshelves to re-organize since we received a few books as Christmas gifts.

One of my favorite things...Waking up to a snuggly little one who just grins at me.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Meet up with a few friends, a meeting today, attend Mass for the Feast of Mary, Mother of God, catch up on chores, work on home management binder, send back a skirt that doesn't fit, see if I can return a dress that was given to Pearl (100% polyester and quite itchy), and celebrate my birthday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Our Christmas Mantle

1 comment:

Kim said...


we love our home management binder-its changed slightly since i posted mine.

happy early birthday!