Monday, February 15, 2010

A Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window ... The sun is shining brightly with the forecast to hit near 70. Tomorrow's temps should be a little colder.


I am listening to... The dryer running and DH on a conference call. Pearl is taking an early nap as the grands tired her out.


To Live the Liturgy...Entering into Lent this week!


To be Fit and Happy...Hopefully some clear days for some long walks, some playground time, and possibly some workout videos for me.


I am thankful in-laws visiting this weekend. We had a great time playing with Pearl, taking them to our favorite bbq joint, and talking about our house hunting.


From the kitchen ...

Monday: Chicken StirFry
Tuesday: Pancake Night
Wednesday: Beans and Rice (Ash Wednesday)
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Vegetable Soup with Grilled Cheese
Saturday: Slow Cooked Porkchops, Baked Potatoes, and Veggies
Sunday: (A new recipe)

One of my clean up tasks for the 40 Day Challenge is to go through my cookbooks and loose recipes and pare down to what I really use and enjoy. I'm hoping that this week will lend itself to uncovering some fun new recipes to try.


I am wearing...jam covered khaki's (thank you, Pearl), navy blue polo, and navy crocs.


I am creating ...clean spaces. Re-grouping after the in-laws.


I am reading...The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half. Just another one of my recent finds at the library:)


I am hoping for...some time to catch up on reading.


On Keeping Home ... Two bags to Goodwill this week. Of course I totally forgot to take a photo! But two bags down. I'm continuing in the kitchen at this time and then will move into the Master Bedroom and Bath. Watch out hubs!


One of my favorite things ... getting up a little earlier than the others and getting my game plan together for the day.


A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

We will transition Pearl into the Toddler Storytime session starting this week. We're also looking forward to some baby-sitting this weekend and hopefully lining up some more houses to look at.


A photo I'm sharing:

Pearl out for a walk with the Grands.

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