Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mid-January Daybook

Outside My Window: An overcast sort of day; rain in the forecast later and cooler temps at the end of this week.  My kind of weather:)

I Am Thinking: About my nesting/purging pregnancy projects.  This is the part of pregnancy that DH really despises.  I get all kinds of busy with grand and lofty schemes.  Most of my preparations are focused on the kitchen--doing a big stock up, making a snack space for the girls, putting away freezer meals.  However, I do have two "fun" projects.  I'd like to make a lego space in the school room and re-do some shelving in the girls' closet to enable the back closet door to open all the way and their outgrown clothes bins to fit in.  Break out the power tools!

Attitude of Gratitude: Grateful for DH's safe travel home to us last night after a business trip, for renewed vigor and enthusiasm in this new year, for community.

In the School Room: Getting all kinds of organized.  Games are being re-arranged as Princess is climbing on chairs to get to them.  Shelves dusted, books re-sorted, etc.  Making things nice and neat and accessible for these girls to get to their new interests.

Celebrating the Liturgical Year: Planning some time for January saints, March for Life and pro-life issues, picking a few saints for February, and sorting through Lenten resources.  I want to get all that ready to delve into with little effort when the time comes.

From the Kitchen
Sunday: Potato Soup
Monday: Crockpot Paleo Jambalaya
Tuesday: Pasta Night with the Campus Ministry
Wednesday: Roast Chicken, Rice and Veggies
Thursday: Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, veggies.
Friday: Fish, Rice, veggies

I Am Working On: Menu plans, Nesting Lists, Baby Needs List, organizing, purging

I Am Creating: a wee mannie.  Trying to eat well.  He is definitely hitting the third trimester growth spurts.  I'm finally hungry now. (The morning sickness held on till 22 weeks all out and 27 weeks off and on. Whew!)  DH gets a kick out of my cravings.  It's all "man food"--hamburgers, potato skins, fried chicken, steaks with sauteed mushrooms and onions.  And Sauerkraut...I have a bowl a day.  Weird, but I did read an article about fermented foods aiding sufferers of morning sickness.  Perhaps my body knew something my brain didn't.

I Am Going: to a concert.  In a few weeks.  I'm super excited.  A date night for DH and I.  I haven't been to a concert in forever, and I'm really hoping DH and I have a blast....and that I can fit into my arena seat:)
I Am Hoping: that I can finish preparations for our co-op plans due tomorrow.  Yikes!

I Am Praying: for several special intentions, for Pia--a sweet little girl battling cancer, for Alan also battling cancer, for safe healthy pregnancies for dear friends, for my own pregnancy--for peace in my anxiety and worries.

I Am Reading:  an at-home Home School retreat!!  I got some birthday money that I put towards a few new books--
10 Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child
Teaching in Your Tiara
A Literary Education

I Am Listening: to the clock ticking.  Girls down for naps/rest time and even the animals in our neighbor's farmyard are all quiet.  It's a little eerie.

Around The House:  Piles being organized and purged.
Favorite Things:  Sitting on the couch reading to my girlies, praying the rosary on the floor while they put their roses in the basket, making yummy meals, a special lunch treat out after church, pot luck with the Parish community.

This Week's Plans
Speech Therapy
Library Storytime
Hockey Night Date Night/prepare for Little Flowers and Blue Knights while we watch:)  DH is making swords and I'm making shields.
Church Home School Co-op

Glimpse Into My Day:

Not really a glimpse into a day; rather, from a few weeks ago while visiting family at Christmas.

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