Praise God! No new tumors or growth. What awesome news. Thank you for your prayers for him.
We have been busy with lots of trips and time away from home these last few months. Trying to live very intentionally to build and renew relationships. We are also in the midst of Pearl's 1st grade year and figuring that out.
February started it for me....doesn't February do that? Where I analyzed how she was doing, where I think I'm falling short, how I'm not meeting my expectations....The struggle of my melancholic temperament. But there is a lot mulling around as I discern plans for next year, plans for the rest of this term, etc.
The restore workshop is a great blessing to me as is the preparation for Marian Consecration.
So yeah. One of the needs I have been seeing is the need for deep friendship that reaches my woman's heart. My two best friends are both religious sisters. So we are not able to have that time we used to have to support each other.
My other deep sister of the heart lives cross country and I wish we lived next door. She is a beautiful blessing an an amazing example of God's grace and mercy to me.
So just praying for the community my heart needs and also the grace to extend myself further to be the support others in my life need from me.
He is stretching me in this since I would rather be a homebody and stay in my "little bubble." But God has a way of challenging us to go further than we would like or think we can go.
Anyways :)
eating rice krispie bars with hot chocolate during Epcot Fireworks
enjoying scooter rides with Pop Pop
Princess is not a night owl, definitely my early bird so staying up for the fireworks was a big deal for her. She saw the "purple sparkles" she wanted to see and then promptly passed out in the stroller.
Little Man with Daddy during fireworks
Princess didn't last through the Magic Kingdom fireworks, but Pearl was still going hours later.
a sweet Frozen Minnie Mouse.
(from our February trip with Grandma and Pop Pop. We all had a blast!)

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