Friday, December 7, 2007

8 Random Things

I think I've done a version of this before, but I've been tagged by Transitus Tiber, so here goes Round 2.

1. I, too, am left-handed.
2. In my toddler years, I would eat bowls of plain ketchup...just ketchup.
3. I still have a thing with tomatoes since I eat salsa like it's my job.
4. I graduated college a year early with a double major and a minor.
5. I spent two years of volunteer service after I graduated college.
6. I spent many years despising the color yellow.
7. I am allergic to every form of grass on the planet.
8. I met my husband through Catholic Match, which I laughed at and only joined as a joke.

1 comment:

EC Gefroh said...

My sister used to hate the colors yellow and green. BTW, I also tagged you for another meme.